In the spirit of Lenten Sacrifice, please consider a donation to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul. Donations will be gratefully accepted in the lower church (table at the bottom of the stairs near the elevator) whenever the church is open, through April 1st. The people we serve are especially grateful for:
- cooking oil
- breakfast cereals
- dishwashing liquid
- canned tomatoes
- canned fruit
- peanut butter (plastic jars only)
- feminine napkins
- toothpaste and toothbrushes
- diapers
- shampoo
We welcome checks and cash donations in the Poor Box and contributions through GiveCentral. Your donations will be used for grocery store gift certificates that can be used for fresh foods and essentials such as toilet paper and cleaning supplies. If you know of a family in need of assistance, please contact the Parish Center at 773 539-7510.