Tema: “Dios es amor, su misericordia alcanza a todo ser viviente” — Siracides 18:13
Para dos días de renovación espiritual a través de oradores dinámicos y música inspiradora, venga al XXXIII Conferencia Carismática Católica en el Midwest Conference Center, 401 W. Lake St. en Northlake.
sábado, 9 de octubre desde las 8 a.m. hasta las 6 p.m.
domingo, 10 de octubre desde las 8 a.m. hasta las 5 p.m.
Con predicadores invitados: laico Roberto Ramirez, Reverendo Pedro Repollet, Obispo Robert Casey, y Reverendo Alejandro Marca Mansilla. Donación de $20 por día adelantado y en la puerta de $25 por día. Llame al 773-971-4347 or visite el sitio web.
Care of Creation Solemn Vespers Postponed
H. Em. Cardinal Cupich, after speaking with H. Em. Metropolitan Nathanael, has decided to postpone the August 31st Solemn Vespers for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation until Metropolitan Nathanael is available to attend. An announcement will be made as soon as an alternative date is set. In the spirit of ecumenism and building greater unity between the Roman Catholic Church and Greek Orthodox Church, may our two churches be a profound witness to our Christian mandate to care, protect and preserve God’s creation.
Young Adult Discernment Group
The Samuel Group will begin sessions in September to help young adults (ages 19 – 35) better understand God’s will. See this flyer for information or register for the sessions here.
Registration No Longer Required
The Archdiocese of Chicago had lifted most restrictions on Liturgical Celebrations and other events effective June 11, 2021. Registration with your contact information is no longer be required for events and Mass at Queen of Angels Church or St. Matthias Church. Most normal practices during Mass such as congregational singing have resumed. Please note the following suggestions to promote everyone’s safety:
- As of Friday, August 20, masks will again be required indoors in public spaces for all persons over 2 years old, vaccinated and unvaccinated. This is in keeping with the latest guidance from the Chicago Department of Public Health as we try to prevent transmission to unvaccinated persons including our young children and to reduce the number of breakthrough infections among vaccinated individuals. As a matter of faith, please help keep our children and immuno-compromised adults safe by wearing a mask when you enter the churches, schools, gyms, and Parish Center on our two campuses.
- Should you receive a positive COVID test within 3 days of attending an event at Queen of Apostles please call the parish office at 773-539-7510 to report your illness.
Queen of Apostles Parish would like to thank the many volunteers who have generously given their time to allow us to keep the parish open and operating during the pandemic. Additionally we appreciate the willingness of our parishioners and visitors to change with the times and abide by the safety protocols during this time. We are thankful that we can now resume many of our normal activities. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the many people who have experienced a loss.
Theology On Tap
- Tuesdays through July 27, in-person and outdoors at St. Clement
- Thursdays through July 29 on Facebook Live or in-person at several Evanston parishes
- Select Wednesdays through August 4, In-person and outdoors at St. Alphonsus
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