A parishioner who has helped immensely during our parish merger, our service to those in need, and the weekly celebration of our Saturday 5 p.m. Mass has been honored at the Archdiocesan Awards Ceremony this past Sunday, October 2 at Holy Name Cathedral. Patricia “Pat” Kubistal received the Christifideles Award, which honors laypersons for their parish service. Those who receive this award have demonstrated the values of the Papal Exhortation Christifideles Laici, which calls the laity to responsibility for the Church’s life springing from the mission of their Baptism.
Pat Kubistal serves the people of the Queen of Apostles community without exception and according to the needs of the individual. For many years before our parish unification, she was a Minister of Communion, Lector, and member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Matthias Parish. As the past Parish Council chairperson of St. Matthias, her kindness, patience, and leadership have been instrumental in welcoming people in and bringing our community together from our two former parishes. She has led by example, embracing the newly united Queen of Apostles Parish where she continues to serve in her former ministries as Minister of Communion, Lector, and member of the Society of St, Vincent de Paul. She has an innate goodness and a sense of humor to carry her through any issues along the way. All that she does is rooted in her faith. Pat has truly revealed the face of Jesus to our parish community.