Pastoral Council
To advise and work with the Pastor forming the Parish’s short and long-term pastoral vision of Christ’s work and parish policies, to coordinate organizations’ activities towards discerned Parish goals and to see that those goals are incorporated into the Parish budget.
Finance Council
The purposes of the Finance Council is to advise the Pastor on parish resources and on short and long-range financial planning, to develop and monitor the parish and school budget, to oversee the effective use of parish facilities and to develop and safeguard the time, talent and treasure of the People of God.
School Board
Advisory Board to the Principal and Pastor to deepen the Catholic identity of the school, formulate school policy, prepare a school budget for final review by the Parish Finance Council, advise on curriculum, complete short- and long-range planning, facilitate communication to parents and Parish, and direct development, publicity and enhanced enrollment efforts.
Athletic Board
Advisory Board working with the Principal to formulate Athletic policies in light of Archdiocesan guidelines, teach sportsmanship, create the budget for these activities, coordinate coaches and schedules, to plan broad-based sports programs for grammar school male and female athletes and inform the Pastor of these programs.