The Masses below will be streamed live and can also be viewed at a later time. There is a worship aid provided with music for the Mass and a link to the readings. Thank you for continuing your regular Sunday donation.
Third Sunday of Lent + March 23, 2025
Follow events at Queen of Apostles Parish through the QofA News and Parish Events sections on the front page of this web site or read the weekly Queen of Apostles bulletin, The Guide.
If you are using a connected TV with a YouTube account, search for Queen of Apostles Chicago on YouTube and subscribe to the YouTube channel Queen of Apostles Chicago. New videos will then show up in your subscriptions when they are ready to premiere. Or you can search for videos individually using the title of the video you want (which appears in the upper left corner of the video feed above) and Queen of Angels & St Matthias Chicago to find the correct video thumbnail. In your search results, the correct videos will all have Queen of Apostles Chicago as the channel name in smaller text below the video title. While the video is playing on the TV, you can use your computer or smart phone to access the Worship Aid above and follow along with the service.