The 9:30 Sunday liturgies offer an opportunity for children to hear the readings and prayers of the Mass in words that are familiar to them. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is designed for children ages 3 through early primary grades. Young children and their catechists have a great time together sharing prayer and reflection on the Sunday readings.
The experience created at the Children’s Liturgy parallels that of all the faithful worshiping at Mass each week. Children are blessed by the priest before the First Reading, walk together downstairs to the Children’s Liturgy chapel space, and return upstairs to their families later in the Mass. The reunion of families in time for the consecration and Communion is a sign of the union of the Church in this holy sacrament.
Volunteers are needed and materials from Pflaum Gospel Weeklies and Catholic Kids Bulletin are provided. Please consider this opportunity to guide our young ones. For more information on this important ministry, call the parish office at 773-539-7510.