For the latest information on parish facility closing due to the coronavirus (COVID19), please see this post.
Our prayers are united with all who are suffering, sheltering in place, or worried about the COVID19 pandemic. Know that our Pastor Monsignor Jim continues to celebrate Mass privately each day, for the intentions of those who are sick from COVID19, for health care workers and first responders, and for the requested intentions for Masses as they would normally be celebrated in the parish. Online Masses with Monsignor Jim are available for the faithful to participate from home in English or Spanish each week.
Spiritual Communion Prayer for when we cannot receive the Eucharist
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
Daily Readings from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
In times of need, we turn to Mary our mother for her intercession by praying the Rosary on on our own or with others through the internet.
- Prayers and instructions for praying the Rosary: English * Spanish
- Join others in prayer online or view recorded rosaries:
The bells of our church are ringing 5 times per day, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to call us to prayer with specific intentions during this crisis.
Our community’s devotions such as Eucharistic Adoration on Friday mornings, the annual May crowning with our school children, and the Rosary on Saturday mornings are no longer possible at church due to the Illinois shelter-in-place order.
Special Marian devotions during May:
- May Crowning at Queen of Angels takes place after Communion during the regular streaming Masses on the weekend of May 16-17. The statue of Mary will remain crowned during streaming Masses for the rest of May.
- A series of slideshows for Marian prayer is being developed by parishioners, featuring the beautiful stained glass windows in our church. Each slideshow is 11-17 minutes long. The series could be viewed one at a time over a series of days during your regular prayer time, or all at once in a virtual pilgrimage. All 12 videos are now available:
Whole Playlist * 01 Presentation of Mary * 02 Marriage to Joseph * 03 Annunciation to Mary * 04 Visit to Elizabeth * 05 Birth of Jesus * 06 Presentation of Jesus * 07 Flight into Egypt * 08 Jesus in the Temple * 09 Wedding at Cana * 10 Crucifixion of Jesus * 11 Coming of the Holy Spirit * 12 Crowning of Mary
Though Lent is over, much suffering continues in our world. You may wish to continue to pray the Stations of the Cross with this parishioner-made slideshow of the Stations in our church. The Stations images were created in Italy, so please especially remember the people of that stricken country as you pray.